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Editing this Site

All the docs on this site are written in markdown (.md files) and built into an html site by mkdocs. If you want to edit any of these documents, you can make changes to the corresponding markdown file (or add a new one), and then edit the mkdocs configuration to make sure the file gets built into html. Read on for instructions!

The first time you clone a repo with a mkdocs submodule:

If you want to edit the docs, you'll need to grab the mkdocs-material-dib submodule.

If you're cloning the repo for the first time:

git clone --recursive

recursive will pull the submodule as well as the main git repo.

However, if you already have the repo, you'll want to pull down submodule like this:

git submodule update --init

Installing the tools

We recommend conda for tool installation.

conda install  -c conda-forge mkdocs
conda install -c conda-forge ghp-import

Where are the docs?

Each page on the website is a markdown document in the docs folder. These are organized by the navigation (nav) text in the mkdocs.yml file, which sits in the main directory. By looking at the mkdocs.yml file, you can find the name of the markdown file you want to edit.

Updating an Existing Page

If you're updating a file that already exists, start by making edits to the appropriate markdown file. Then, you'll want to check that the markdown you wrote will be rendered properly. Assuming you've installed mkdocs (above), you build the markdown into html like so:

mkdocs build

And then build a local site like so:

mkdocs serve

The site will now be rendered on your local computer (viewable in your web browser at the link that will come up on your screen with a successful mkdocs serve, like and you can continue to make changes to your md file until it looks right. Stop the mkdocs serve by using Ctrl-C.

Note, if you're embedding images into your markdown, please name them appropriately (preferably including the name of your markdown file, e.g. XY-workflow-img1.png) and place them into the docs/img folder. This will keep our docs folder nice and clean.

When you're finished, commit your changes as you normally would, e.g.:

git add <>
git commit -m "some useful commit message"

The repository is set up to use GitHub Actions to build the docs and upload to the right branch.

Adding a New Page

If you want to add a new page, you'll need to add that file to the file navigation in the mkdocs.yml file. First go look at the nav sectino in mkdocs.yml while looking at the built site and figure out what section you'd like to put your new page in. Then add your page to the nav like so:

- 'New-Title`:

For more details, go here.

Then, you'll need to go through the same steps as above, for Updating an Existing Page.

In short:

  • make changes to md file
  • mkdocs build to build html site
  • mkdocs serve to view page and navigation
  • repeat the above steps until satisfied
  • git commit (and git push) your changes


If you see errors during mkdocs build or mkdocs serve, the likely culprit is improper formatting of the nav section in the mkdocs.yml file. Yaml is sensitive to spacing, quotes, etc! Check out the working pages and make your entry look like those! Any other issues? Submit an issue on github!